Discover the Deeper Dimension of Your Assignment
Choose your path via 1:1 virtual coaching with Dara, or work with one of our experts.

Are You Ready for Something Like This?
Step into your fullness, gain the confidence to consistently show up, and create a joyfully, guilt-free life.
Design your CEO Roadmap to reimagine your services, identify your dream client, and create a workspace that flows with your unique persona.
Discover how and whom to connect, partner, and collaborate with to scale your business and brand.
What you do is your ministry and your chance to do life at full capacity.
noun: amplitude; plural noun: amplitudes
the maximum extent of a vibration or oscillation, measured from the position of equilibrium

You have the permission to consistently operate in your God-given capacity, and have space to prioritize balance through life's adventures.

You Are Solutionist
You are the type of person to consult and coach everyone into the best version of themselves, yet you are left fighting for the very opportunity to show up yourself completely. Imagine life and business flowing seamlessly in sync with the essence of who you are. You have everything you need, in this moment, to be the person you've prayed for.
You can design a life that allows your faith to thrive at the forefront; while highlighting your passions, and spotlighting your never-ending desire to serve.
My work helps CEOs creatively reimagine how they run their business, increasing the probabilities of all outcomes, and allowing them to fully access the God-willed life they dream of.
What would it feel like to wake up with a signature routine, be able to consistently produce for consistent clients, and serve without feeling depleted?
What would it feel like to end your day on a high note, having more space to do the things you love?​​
Rosemary Martin
Imagine Experiencing Joy In Every Area of Life You're Called To Serve
Unleash the Full Expression of Yourself
Align your God-made voice and tone to show up boldly in personal and professional spaces.
Explore the Deeper Dimension of Your Assignment
Reimagine your current products and services to reflect your purpose + personality.
Realign Your Goals to Serve without Burnout
Leverage your unique persona to design work that flows – show up everyday, your way.

Stuck? Been there? Feeling like there is more? Story of my life. Throughout my 10-year entrepreneurial journey, I found myself wanting to get back to where it all started--mentorship and service. But, there was one issue, my plate was full.
When I went back over all the things I was doing in life, I found the spaces that were taking too much of my time, nothing allowing me to live the life I desired, and drained me of the space I needed to thrive.
Once I rediscovered my God-given capacity, I adjusted my life to run on the values that allow me optimal freedom.
I am excited to be your mentor in this season, and I believe transformation will happen when we partner with God.
Signed, Your Next Coach
Ivy Wilcher