Please Read Carefully. Subject to change.
*Please note, flights are not included.
The purchase of any travel services offered by Escape by A'darah, LLC constitutes a contractual arrangement between you (the Traveler) and Escape by A'darah, LLC and represents your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions set out herein. Please ensure that you carefully read and understand these Terms & Conditions prior to booking. You are advised to check the Escape by A'darah, LLC websites or request the latest version of the Terms & Conditions prior to booking your vacation.
Deposit Terms
Your first non-refundable payment, per vacation, is required to reserve space for you, with some limited exceptions as noted below. Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express transactions are accepted.
Your booking is not confirmed and payment is not deemed made until the first payment is received and you receive a confirmation. Initial payment indicates you have read and accepted these Terms and Conditions.
Payment Plan Terms
Escape by A'darah, LLC payment plan allows the customer the flexibility to pay for their retreat via the installment payment plan(s). Your installments will be proportionate to your payment plan. The Purchaser will receive an emailed invoice requesting payment(s). At the time the final payment is made, the purchaser will be notified. The Purchaser further understands that they can, at any time, pay for the order in full.
We always do our best to make sure your retreat experience is satisfactory. However, we cannot accept any liability in contract, tort or otherwise for any injury, damage, loss, delay, additional expense or inconvenience caused directly or indirectly by force nature or any other event which is beyond our control or which are not preventable by reasonable diligence on our part.
Passports are required for entry into any foreign country. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have valid travel documentation, including but not limited to passports and visas, which meet the requirements of immigration and other government authorities at every destination.
Any fines, penalties, payments or expenditures incurred as a result of such documents not meeting the requirements of those authorities will be your sole responsibility.​
Credit Card Transactions
If for any reason, any travel service provider is unable to provide the services for which you have contracted, your remedy lies against the provider, and not against Escape by A'darah, LLC and in the event that payment has been made to Escape by A'darah, LLC by credit card, you agree that you will not seek to chargeback your payment to Escape by A'darah, LLC.
If the credit card is declined, you guarantee that you will settle any amounts owed to Escape by A'darah, LLC via invoice or cash immediately (after recharge is tried.) A return fee of $75 will be added to your invoice.
Price Variations
We reserve the right to vary published fares in the event of fluctuations in the exchange rate or price increases made by service providers. All prices are subject to availability and can be withdrawn or varied without notice.
In the event, the traveler is unable to attend the event within 90 days of the retreat for any reason, all subsequent payments are non-refundable. However, on a case-by-case basis, those with notice for a medical issue or death in the family may be considered.
If you cancel for any reason prior to 90 days, all payments are refundable excluding your initial payment and purchaser will incur a $500 cancellation fee.
All transaction fees are non-refundable regardless. Where we incur any liability for a cancellation fee or charge for any booking which you cancel, you agree to indemnify us for the amount of that fee or charge if applicable.
Health and Special Requirements
It is your responsibility to ensure you are aware of any health requirements for your travel destinations and to ensure that you carry all necessary vaccination documentation.
Privacy Policy
Adarah Inc. and its affiliates are committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of personal information. A photography and videography waiver must be signed prior to departure.
Please be aware that we are monitoring COVID-19 and all of its regulations. We are making sure every trip is protected if changed by these circumstances. Please get insurance on all flights and you have any questions, email Lauren@escapebyadarah.com. Please keep yourself healthy and updated by visiting here cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019.